Monday, July 28, 2008

My first apron

Finally I'm posting this! Here are the pics of my first apron and Miss E's first apron. Both are from gorgeous Amy Butler fabrics. Mine is based on patterns from two books: In Stitches (Amy Butler) and Bend-the-Rules Sewing (Amy Karol). Both books are fabulous and you can expect many more projects from them. Hers is from this excellent tutorial: The Sarah Apron

Here they are, first mine, then Miss E's (*NOT* a cat toy, Miss O!). Oh, and for grins, see what happens when you get 5-inch fabric squares mixed with a creative 2-yr-old?

Getting addicted to aprons? They are so fun! What have I missed out on all these years?!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness everything you have made so far is so adorable! Sewing is just not my thing or else I would love to do stuff like that. The most I will sew is a button! Look forward to seeing more cute stuff! :-)